Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Growing Some Plant Cells

Recently my class worked on learning the organelles that make up a plant cell.  I created an anchor chart and a student activity for the occasion.  The student activity is free and can be found here.

First off, I printed out the colored version of the anchor chart parts.  I laminated them so I wouldn't have to recreate the wheel, so to speak, when I teach the same unit next year.  

You could also print out the black and white version and either color them yourself, or what I like to do, is break my class into groups and assign each group an organelle.  They color the organelle, name tag and function tag all the same color.

I use laminated poster boards for my anchor charts.  I have several of them.  They allow me to add the pieces and then pull them back off when I'm finished with the unit to use another day or another year.  I don't have the cool sticky paper for my anchor charts, but that would work too.

I like to involve my students in putting the chart together.  I give students the pieces and they listen for me to call for their piece.  When it's their turn, they come up and add it to the chart.

In the end, we end up with a completed plant cell that tells the name and function of the ten organelles we are learning about.

After I build the chart up front (or sometimes while I am building), my students build one of their own.  They color the picture, name tag and function tag all the same color.  

For the little pieces or the pieces with crazy edges, I have them color around the organelles with the color of the cytoplasm.  That way they can cut out a block rather than tiny or crazy pieces.

Theirs looks just like mine, only smaller.  They end up with a copy of the anchor chart that they can use for reference or to review before a test. 

It's also great for teachers who help their students build yearly portfolios.  It's neat to be able to look back on all the concepts they've tackled in a nice, neat notebook.

The student version, Let's Build:  A Plant Cell, is available here for free.

The anchor chart version, Let's Build:  A Plant Cell Anchor Chart, is available here.


  1. Do you have this for an animal cell too? I could really use it. Thank you!

  2. There are no links to get the activity or template.

    1. Hello! Sorry for any confusion:(
      The activity can be found here...

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